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Do your top 3 tasks first
It is so easy to lose control of your day. You jump from one task to the next hoping to put your multi-tasking skills to work only to find that after 8 hours of non-stop activity, missed lunch and a headache you haven’t crossed a single important task off your never ending To-Do List. In fact, as busy as you were all day that pesky To-Do List continued to grow. What can you do? Start by breaking your To-Do items into bite size tasks and then determine which tasks will deliver the most forward momentum in terms of reaching your goals. To operate at your optimum personal productivity you should select the top 3 items off your To-Do List and commit to accomplishing these items first before you tackle anything else. Forget multi-tasking. Stay focused on just one task until it is completed. Learning to filter the important from the unimportant is the difference between success and failure. It is just as important to decide what NOT To-Do as To-Do. What are your top 3?
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Yeah I agree, why not break the first goal up into smaller acbehviaele goals? Get organised and write everything down so when you do achieve something and get something done you can tick it off the list and this visual will show you what you have done! Goodluck!
You need to get motivated. Set goals that are eailsy within reach first and then gradually make them bigger and more challenging to accomplish.
You’ve really captured all the esnsetials in this subject area, haven’t you?